Genius Ideas

Founded in June 2010, NRG-Tronics Inc. offers design services and electronic solutions. Our expertise goes from electronic design to project management such as: portable devices powered by lithium-ion batteries, temperature control, motor control, audio intercom, electronic thermostat, Bluetooth module, FPGA, micro-controllers and more … Over the years, we also acquired expertise in electromagnetic compatibility and CE marking.


Before we begin a project, we do a profound analysis of your needs. Then, we suggest solutions that will allow you to achieve your goals. We are your right-hand in electronics.


Our strength is in electronic design and new ideas that we can implement in your products. You want products that stand out from the competition? This is what we offer. We have expertise in the aerospace, military and rail sectors. Energy efficiency, simplicity and design for future production of our circuits offer us great competitiveness on the market.


From the idea to the product: this is what NRG-Tronics can do for you. Take a look at our portfolio for more details on our creations.


Light emitting diode bulb

The best idea is often the simplest.

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler” Albert Einstein

In this downloadable patent, you’ll see a dashed wiring diagram with the number #32 that includes two versions. The first version needs 10 pieces while the second version only needs 5 pieces. NRG-Tronics designed this diagram while considering the high manufacturing quantity. Each piece counts in order to get the highest profit margin.

Sébastien is a very skilled and efficient engineer that we can rely on. We had the chance to count on Sébastien’s consulting services to help us in several different projects ranging from industrial products design to space satellite system engineering. Sébastien always delivered high quality results within tight schedules and he’s a very good team player and a pleasure to work with. He adapts quickly to the customer environment and to changes and he’s always willing to take a new challenge. I highly recommend Sébastien and will continue to use his services when required.
Yanick Côté, Electronics Team Supervisor at ABB

I worked with Sébastien at Gentec-EO. Sébastien is a creative, very skilled and highly reliable engineer. He always delivers quality results. His engagement and professionalism are exemplary and his ethics are very high. I strongly recommend him.

Jean-Marie Trudeau, Sentinelle Nord - Université Laval

bastien Grenier is a remarkable innovator. He is an engineer always seeking to do better in order to meet the needs of his clientele. Visionary, he will know how to find creative ideas that will allow him to face competition with confidence. Moreover, Sebastien is a team-player on whom you can count at any time, which is very reassuring. I wish every company to have an engineer of Sebastiens class.

Stéphane Sévigny, Lumen


Check our portfolio.

We are in the social media and teleworking era. Unlike a traditional team, we have external resources at our disposal that are virtually added to our projects if needed, even if we are not physically together. We have strong trust relationships with our partners and we enjoy the opportunity and freedom to choose the best talents to carry out your projects.

The key to our success? Trust and efficient communication.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate
to communicate with us using this form.

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